Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 10 (1/7) Taking a hike

Soooo... I'll stop complaining about the rain when it stops raining.

I'm still not quite back at 100% yet... something about my stomach. It's not upset and I can eat fine, but only to a certain extent. When I'm right, I eat and continue to do so not till I'm full, but when I no longer feel hungry. Now I'm getting full really quick, and not just a full-feeling but like... distended/engorged. It must be what getting your stomach stapled is like. Or how a python feels when it swallows a dog.

The breakfast.

I didn't get the fried dough pieces but there are chunks of it in the soup.

A kind of flatbread and the oven thingy they make it in.

You'd usually get the fried dough wrapped in the flatbread but the egg and chives are good too.

Afterwards I took a hike up the mountain behind our house. I'm not sure it can quite be called a mountain, but it's way bigger than a hill.

It was very steep at times, and it didn't help that it had rained and was raining and everything was slick and slippery.

Huffing and puffing
It's really cool that they build around around the tree. Righteous.

I'm bringin' 4th grade back.

Reaching the observation deck.

The view from up top!

On the way down we passed a small playground set. I did 6 chinups on the monkey bars... beat that, Obama.

Also on the way down I slipped on these wooden steps and took a mini header.

No harm, just a couple scratches and scrapes and a bruised ego.

Fresh squeezed guava juice. A+

A big plate of red beans and condensed milk over shredded ice that turned out to be dinner 'cause it filled me up.

It begins. The mosquitoes here are famous for feasting on American blood. Well... this one's, anyway.

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