Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 4 (1/1) Happy Nu Year

Happy 2009! My main resolution, as in the past, is to not waste a day of the new year. I should be able to keep at it for at least a couple more weeks, as I'd already sworn not to waste a day while I'm here in Taiwan.

Today I visited with a family friend and my mom's BFF; I call her my aunt. One of the first things she said to me was that I needed to speak up, to project more. I basically have zero confidence in my Chinese-speaking ability and I guess it came across as my being timid. It's just like her not to take any BS and the reality check was what I needed.... thats why I love her. From then on I opened up a bit more and was able to catch up with her.

We lunched at a Japanese seafood joint then walked back to her place. My aunt lives not too far from the 101 building, it's a great view from her rooftop.

Also on the rooftop is her pet monkey... I believe it's a baboon?

I don't know how she got it, and I've always wondered, but my Chinese just isn't good enough to ask. And I'm pretty sure having the monkey isn't legal either, so don't think we're some backwards country.

Her brother is a collector of fine Chinese antiques, he has two rooms on the upper floors and his entire apartment filled with the stuff. It was like stepping into another world: vases, sculptures, furniture and different appliances all ranging from hundreds to thousands of years old. I don't think they ever brought me to these sections of the house when I was a kid.... probably the smart thing to do.

Not a painting, but a naturally occurring stain from a slice of marble.

Giant jade and ivory foot rests. The ancient emperors had it good.

A heavy, jade-laden wine warmer.

Jade tower

Ivory table and jade vase

An ivory-laden stool

It was much better than any museum because the stuff wasn't roped off, you could touch the pieces and in the case of some of the furniture, actually sit on it. Her brother's very knowledgeable, professor-like. He knew what year or dynasty each piece is from and explained the history behind them. It was all way over my head but really cool nonetheless.

It's funny, I know my aunt is going through some financial dire straits. And here her brother's sitting on this antiques collection worth probably in the tens of millions of dollars and she has a key to his place and everything. If this were America... his collection probably wouldn't be safe. Again, just a completely different culture.

Happy 'New' Year. That's the Chinese symbol for cow, pronounced 'nu'. It also happens to be the year of the cow. See what they did there?


  1. That's a pretty hefty resolution, good luck with it.

  2. Please aid the monkey is escaping before you go.
